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Early season maturing, summer bearing canes are medium height, vigorous erect and sturdy.  Boyne is very productive and extremely hardy.  Berries are deep red, medium size, tender and juicy.  The flavor is aromatic and medium sweet, especially good for processing and freezing. We will start shipping these plants in December.


  • Plant red and black raspberries 3 feet apart in rows and 6 to 10 feet between the rows.  Work soil as deep as possible.  Then level soil again.  Cut off the tops of red raspberries to about 4 inches.  Cut black raspberries to about 2 inches.  Plow a furrow about 3 inches deep and spread roots naturally in the row.  Pack soil firmly around the roots.  Level soil again around the plants.  Plants need about an inch of water every 7 to 10 days during hot weather.  Cultivate every week or 10 days to keep grass and weeds from plants.

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