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The gold colored fruit is providing to be highly productive with a consistent good flavor.  It’s sweet flavor makes it great for home or fresh market use. We start shipping these plants in December.

Anne (Gold Raspberry)

  • Plant red and black raspberries 3 feet apart in rows and 6 to 10 feet between the rows.  Work soil as deep as possible.  Then level soil again.  Cut off the tops of red raspberries to about 4 inches.  Cut black raspberries to about 2 inches.  Plow a furrow about 3 inches deep and spread roots naturally in the row.  Pack soil firmly around the roots.  Level soil again around the plants.  Plants need about an inch of water every 7 to 10 days during hot weather.  Cultivate every week or 10 days to keep grass and weeds from plants.

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